Helmbrecht – “Security is a key element of Privacy & Data Protection”

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The Executive Director of ENISA, Dr Udo Helmbrecht, made two presentations at key ICT security policy conferences in Spain, in conjunction with the Spanish EU Presidency, underlining that “Security is a key element of Privacy and Data Protection”.

One of the topics presented in Spain by Dr Helmbrecht was "Security as a key element of Privacy and Data Protection", at the 2nd Forum Data Privacy Institute, on 24th of May.

Dr Helmbrecht key points were  

-past and present samples of ENISA work and studies in this area e.g.;
Cloud computing
Web 2.0 Security and Privacy
Technology-induced challenges in Privacy & Data Protection in Europe
Privacy Features of European eID Card Specifications

In the Work Programme 2010: Stock taking of authentication and privacy mechanisms in view of Art. 4 of the ePrivacy directive
- ENISA and its role in privacy and data protection
- The amendments to Art. 4 of the Directive 2002/58/EC and the role of ENISA. Art. 4 is of key relevance due to a new obligation on “security breach notification” and the consulting role of ENISA to the Commission on adoption of certain procedures. 

Amendments through "Citizens' Rights" Directive (Directive 2009/136/EC) Amendments to Directive 2002/58/EC –the so called ‘ePrivacy’ Directive;

Art 4.(3) In the case of a personal data breach, the provider of publicly available electronic communications services shall, without undue delay, notify the personal data breach to the competent national authority.”

Art. 4 (5) In order to ensure consistency in implementation the Commission may, following consultation with (among others) ENISA, adopt:
technical implementing measures concerning the circumstances,
format and procedures applicable to the information and
notification requirements

See the presentation of 24 May.


“Innovation through research"
At the 7th ISMS Forum; in Madrid 25 May 2010, Dr Helmbrecht made a speech on “Innovation through research". The ISMS Forum recently launched the Data Privacy Institute (DPI) in Spain. This institute brings together professionals from the data protection sector.  DPI issues the Certified Data Privacy Professional certification. The first certified professionals were awarded their certificates at the event.

At the event, Dr Helmbrecht underlined recent ENISA studies and reports which are currently ‘hot’ topics, regarding, Computer Emergency Response Teams e.g. CERTs, Resilience, Critical Information Infrastructure Protection -CIIP exercises, our recent Position Papers on “Flying 2.0” and the Future Internet/Internet of Things (IoT), Future EU Security research recommendations, and Cloud Computing.

See the  presentation of 25 May.



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